Our church is on a journey. Although our church building has been here for 800 years, as a Christian community, we’re always travelling.
Jesus always calls us onward: towards him, towards new people, new places, new life.
We don’t yet know exactly where this journey will take us: but we need fellow travellers prepared to join us on the way.
And we are growing – which is a hopeful sign that already others are excited by the journey, and perhaps by the sense of a new destination.
Ever since Milton Keynes was designated as a new town, this whole area has been constantly changing. Wavendon used to sit on the edge of what is now a city of more than 250,000 people. The village has always been there… but now the city is coming to us. As the new estates in Wavendon are being built, several thousand more people are coming to live ‘on the doorstep’ of the church.
We are a church for the whole community, new and old, offering the same welcome: with love, with hospitality, with the extraordinary, life-changing news about Jesus Christ. Who is, of course, the same: yesterday, today and forever. And yet always calls us on – towards him.
Will you join us?