There are lots of ways to get involved – information about many of the things we do can be found on the pages of this site.
Most of all we value your presence – just being part of our community is a great start. If you’re interested in membership of our church family, we’re delighted to welcome all who want to join our growing family: just fill in the following and return it to Rev. Matt:
We also rely almost entirely on volunteers to run all aspects of our church’s life. So if you have some time and a skill you’d like to offer – of any sort – we’d love to hear from you! Please contact Rev. Matt on matt.trendall.mk@gmail.com or 01908 582839.
Funding: you might be surprised to learn that churches in the UK get no direct government funding. We depend on donations to be able to pay for our clergy as well as look after our building and run all the events that we do. We are thankful for any kind of donation in cash or in kind. We also love to partner with local businesses, where appropriate. If you’d like to support us regularly or make a one-off donation please download and complete the form(s) below and send to Rev. Matt (contact details above).
We also have a Justgiving page for one-off donations – click here to visit.
Charities we support
Each year at St. Mary’s we nominate two charities that will receive the proceeds from specific events throughout our church calendar. In recent years we have supported a number of local and international charities, including: MK Foodbank, St Mark’s Meals, Open Door MK, Barnabas Fund and Shelter Box.